At Quest, we believe we are called to live an extraordinary life in Christ. We want to walk with you on your journey to Christ-likeness. That's why we offer a variety of Life Groups, Membership Class, Shared Interest Groups, and Spiritual Growth Classes.
Groups & Classes
Walking With you on your Journey to Spiritual Growth
Life Groups
Living Life Together
Life Groups are a place for community. Groups meet to study the Bible, grow closer to Jesus, and develop friendships. Some extended groups meet for a year or more and other life groups meet for 6-8 weeks. Life Groups, like the name implies, do life together. The next session of Life Groups begin the week of April 14. Sign Up Here
Membership Class
Taking the Next Step
If you have made Quest your church home, you might consider becoming a member of Quest. Members are those who have committed to support Quest with the time, talents and resources. Classes are held 2-3 times per year. FOr more information
Shared interest groups
Building Friendships
Quest offers a several Shared Interest Groups, including Mom's, Young Adults and Men's groups. The Shared Interest Groups focus on building friendships and sharing life together. for more information
Spiritual Growth Classes
Growing in knowledge & Grace
The Spiritual Growth Classes are topical in nature. Each class is offered once or twice a year to help you learn about a specific biblical topic such a sharing your faith, spiritual gifts, or Scriptural engagement. for more information